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Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians, “God’s various gifts and ministries are carried out everywhere; everyone gets in on it, everyone benefits.” Serving provides connection with community, spiritual movement in our lives, and allows us to find eternal significance.

Through volunteering, we hope you experience connection with your community, we want you to have spiritual movement in your life, and we want you to find eternal significance with the one life you have been given.

If we could sum all of what we do as a volunteer force into one phrase that describes our goal for our collective effort, it would be this: We want to create environments that honor God by welcoming all to find Christ!

Kids, students, adults, those with disabilities, those with special needs…We want everyone to feel loved and accepted. To let people come as they are, and let Christ do the changing in their lives.


If you would like more information about joining a team, please fill out this form and one of our ministry leaders will get you more details!

Visit Us

Sundays at 9:15 and 11:00 AM
209 Bethel Rd, Glen Mills, PA 19342

Our Mission

Pointing people to real relationships and real significance.



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