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Sunday Experience

Worship With Us

Thank you for visiting ValleyPoint online! We aim for you to gain comfort with us before you attend one of our gatherings. Whether you are coming by yourself, with a friend or family member, or with a car full of kids, we want you to know that we have been thinking about you all week long and are prepared to welcome you with open arms! 

Together, let us experience a gathering where we learn what it means to follow Jesus and live with real significance. We are a vibrant, multi-generational church dedicated to spiritual formation that empowers us to be a godly and joyful presence wherever we live, work, and play. Our worship is passionate, our teaching is rooted in scripture with accessible scholarship and a nod to ancient wisdom, and we deeply love our children and teenagers and value their presence. Our highest priority is to build engaging environments where all ages can safely investigate and develop a friendship with Jesus.

Watch the video below to get a taste of what you will experience at one of our gatherings at ValleyPoint!

Who We Are

ValleyPoint has been nestled in the Delaware Valley for over 50 years, helping people grow in their faith and thrive in their relationships. We love our surrounding communities and seek to go, serve, and love our neighbors and global partners.

Our mission is simple: Pointing people to real relationships and real significance.

What to Expect

On Sunday mornings at ValleyPoint, you will find genuine relationships, honest smiles, helpful teaching, and, of course, fantastic coffee. What you see is what you get here. We care more about your future than your past. It does not matter if it has been a long time since you have been to church; you are welcome. The call to love God and others is our ultimate calling as people seeking to follow Jesus. We invite you to join us on the journey of discovering what it looks like to walk with Jesus and do as he did.  

If you have children, proceed to our lower level and check out our Kids Quest environments, where every Sunday is an adventure! We have safe, clean, and secure kid’s environments with friendly and helpful volunteers who have all participated in a background checking process. We also offer a secure check-in process and ensure hall monitoring throughout each gathering so that you can rest assured your children are safe and well taken care of as you worship.

If your family requires special needs accommodations, please let us know in advance by emailing us at

If you have any other specific questions before you attend, please contact us at

How we Teach?

The teaching DNA of ValleyPoint focuses on the use of scripture in a topical-expository format. We value scripture as the “breathed out words of God” and see them as essential for following the way of Jesus as they “stand close to the center of this whole process of being conformed to the image of Christ” (Mulholland, Shaped by the Word, p. 28).

Topical-expository teaching combines elements of both topical and expository preaching. In this approach, the teacher will discuss a theme that is prayerfully developed and chosen by the Lead Pastor and then systematically examine scripture passages that speak to that theme. Topical-expository moves beyond merely referencing verses to carefully unpacking the passage explaining the text’s history, words, and other unique aspects in its context. Topical-expository teaching also keeps the talk biblically grounded while addressing practical and relevant themes for the congregation. Topical-expository teaching is a method Jesus used as he taught.

Key Features:

+ Theme centered on the church’s one-year-goal
+ Scripture-Based
+ Context Focused
+ Application Oriented

>> Outcome Matters
Teaching should be more than the transfer of information. It should be more than a “content dump.” The outcome of our teaching should be transformation – into the person of Jesus for the sake of others.

>> Content Matters
Transformation is the dream, but you cannot do that without content connected to the context of the scripture passage and shared as a big idea. Textual work that includes using original languages, study of context, and history is welcomed. The use of scholarly citations is helpful. A touch of the ancient (ancient text or early church leaders) helps connect our church to the historic church. The church should be challenged to think of how God and an ancient text can shape and inform life.
>> Quality Matters
Consider the example of Jesus, the greatest example of excellence in teaching style, who was known as a compelling storyteller, relevant communicator, fabulous illustrator, and brilliant wordsmith. In his teaching, style was never eclipsed by content. His teaching style was part of his strategy for effectiveness as he engaged the audience to know, do, and feel something.
Key questions:
1. What do we need to know (orthodoxy)?
2. What do we need to do (orthopraxy)?
3. What do we need to feel (orthopathia)?

Where We Are Located: 209 Bethel Road, Glen Mills, PA 19342

Visit Us

Sundays at 9:15 and 11:00 AM
209 Bethel Rd, Glen Mills, PA 19342

Our Mission

Pointing people to real relationships and real significance.



©2017 ValleyPoint Church. All Rights reserved.