Sunday, September 3rd, 2020

Question – are there Christian clichés? Yes. From things God never actually said to statements that are “kind of” accurate to deep truth that becomes timeworn with overuse, Christian clichés exist. While they may capture elements of truth, they often miss the full point.
Join ValleyPoint throughout the summer as we move beyond clichés and seek to live out the story of Jesus!
Often, we face uncertainty in navigating life’s journey. Walking through life involves “foggy parts,” where we lack clarity and get befuddled. Think about this…no one lives in the scripted places of perfection on “Easy Street.” Senseless and horrible things happen, and often they happen to good people. Join ValleyPoint us as we look at the areas of life that are befuddling!
“White Napkin” Sundays are a tradition at ValleyPoint! We use these weeks to remind, refresh, and refocus our attention on things that matter. Beyond the Sunday morning experience, we seek to be a joyous presence where we live, work, and play, To accomplish this, ValleyPoint must not lose sight of our mission of pointing people to what matters most!
White Napkin Sundays 2020
Adroit is a fun word that means skillful, resourceful, or ingenious. Throughout April, we will discover that Jesus had adroit conversations. His words were purposeful as he sought to “seek and save those who are lost” (Luke 19:10). Together, we will learn that Jesus speaks to the problem of uncertainty, hopelessness, guilt, and selfishness.
Adroit Conversations
“You are the light of the world” is a phrase ValleyPoint is using throughout 2020 to help us consider what God wants for us. He wants us to shine. He wants to impact others. He wants us to shine for everyONE. We want to do more than just think about what God wants for us; we want our stories to be lived expressions of Jesus’ story!
The Book of Philippians in the New Testament, which is a thank you letter from the Apostle Paul, presents a vibrant community faithful to the way of Jesus. Filled with short and reflective vignettes focused on the central theme of having the same attitude as Jesus, Philippians helps readers see their own story as an effervescent expression of Jesus’ story. With words such as joy, glad, and rejoice, Philippians is filled with hope in its tone.
Join ValleyPoint Church as we walk verse by verse through the book of Philippians. The Apostle Paul points to Jesus and presents an unusual view of life – a surprising way to express our love for God and our love for others.
“An Unusual View of Life: The Book of Philippians”
Happy New Year and welcome to ValleyPoint’s “Life Verse” series. Since 2013, this annual series has started the year with an emphasis on choosing a verse (or two) to challenge, encourage, and sustain.
Life Verse 2020 will help us view Scripture as a mentor, guide, and close friend. Life Verse 2020 will help all look to the ancient words of the Bible as something that “humbles us, critiques us, and encourages us with God’s love and grace despite our flaws” (Keller, The Prodigal Prophet, p. 106).
Scripture matters! Join ValleyPoint Church as we choose a life verse and then search together for words to serve as a “lamp to our feet” (Psalm 119:105).
Life Verse 2020

Sunday, December 29th, 2019
Ultimately the narrative of Christmas flows from the sequential events surrounding the birth of Jesus. With his birth came LIGHT. The advent of Jesus was much more than simply a “good day.” The prophet Isaiah spoke of Jesus’ luminous arrival by stating, “The people who walk in darkness will see a great light. For those who live in a land of deep darkness, a light will shine (Isaiah 9:2).
Beyond the lights that brighten trees, homes, and other décor, Jesus is LIGHT. “Tis the season” for LIGHT.
Join ValleyPoint Church as we progress through the month of December with expectation, anticipation, and an increase of LIGHT.