Christmas Offering Initiative 2019

Peter left everything to follow his teacher and possessed a passion that would change the world. That’s one way to describe Peter. Here’s another: poor, uneducated, quick-tempered, and full of doubts and fears. Doesn’t even sound like the same man.
That is the point! Peter was just an ordinary guy who heard and followed God’s extraordinary call. Discover how you, too, have special gifts, talents, and abilities that God can use to make a difference today.
For Pete’s Sake
The movement from one season to the next often brings excitement, passion, and a plethora of innovation. At the same time, new seasons also initiate feelings of sadness, anxiety, and trepidation. Moving from anxiousness to enthusiasm requires careful forethought and time with God. Both activities require preparation.
Use “Reflections and Reveries” to prepare yourself to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God as 2019 transitions from summer to fall. “Reflections” bring gratitude…even humility. “Reveries” provide time to dream about the future.
Reflections and Reveries
Join us as our Associate Pastor, Ben Jones, explores the question, “What do I do when God is silent?”
Sunday, September 1st
Words matter! Words can easily be lost because things rarely remain the same. Times change. People change. Feelings change. Ancient expressions that once reflected beauty and depth can now end conversations…quickly. Try inserting the word “sin” in your next chat and see what happens!
Is it possible that we sometimes forget valuable information that once helped? Reclaiming Sacred Words is about finding joy in faith-filled expressions and knowing how to share those words with others compassionately.
Reclaiming Sacred Words
What happens when generosity becomes a way of life? What happens when a group of people chooses generosity over scarcity? What happens when followers of Jesus hold what they have with open hands? What is the potential of a generous faith community?
This series will share the culture of giving at ValleyPoint, layout the theology of generosity which ValleyPoint holds, and challenge our church to continue our journey of becoming a community of contagious generosity.
Theology of Generosity 2019
“White Napkin” Sundays are a tradition at ValleyPoint! We use these weeks to remind, refresh, and refocus our attention on things that matter. Beyond the Sunday morning experience, we seek to be a joyous presence where we live, work, and play, To accomplish this, ValleyPoint must not lose sight of our mission of pointing people to what matters most!
White Napkin Sundays
Rescue stories are inspiring. In many rescue scenarios heroes emerge, lives are salvaged, and hope is reestablished. Rescue stories often bring out the best in humanity. What is the profile of one who rescues? Is there a list of descriptive qualities? Do life circumstances somehow prepare those who redeem for “the moment?”
The life of Jesus is a rescue narrative. He came with a singular mission “to seek and save those who are lost” (Luke 19:10). With words and with actions, Jesus demonstrated that he is the rescuer.
Throughout April we will sketch a profile of the rescuer, Jesus. The unforeseeable impact of Jesus changed everything!
“How you made me is amazing and wonderful. I praise you for that. What you have done is wonderful. I know that very well.” Psalm 139:14
The word “made” denotes thoughts of creativity, purpose, and love. If something is made or created, it has intrinsic value and an objective. Everything God has created is unique and one of a kind, including people created in his image. Every person is an original reflection of God.
Throughout March, we will discover the deep love God has for what he has made – you! Allow “MADE” to give you an enlarged picture of God who created you on purpose and for a purpose!
A conundrum is an intricate and difficult problem. It can also be described as anything that puzzles. For example, is technology an equalizer or a polarizer? If you try to fail, but you succeed, which have you done? What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? These are conundrums!
What is puzzling about mercy? Is extending compassion to others a true problem? After all, Jesus modeled it. He commanded that those who follow him implement mercy into their lives. Mercy should not be mysterious. HOWEVER…in the struggle to survive, provide, and live comfortably, mercy is often dismissed or diminished. Mercy is inconvenient. Messy. Antiquated. Costly. Counter-cultural. YET…it is desperately needed in a world starving for merciful interactions between neighbors and enemies.
Ready to move toward others with compassion? Ready to unleash the power of mercy in an unmerciful world?
Join ValleyPoint Church as we unpack the scandalous story Jesus shared about a “Good Samaritan.” Through this story we will seek to solve the puzzle of mercy through a four-step pattern: See. Go. Do. Endure.