Things that matter…cost. Priceless items, valuable relationships, and worthwhile causes all have something in common; they come with a price.
Cost: The price paid to acquire, produce, or maintain something.
Pursue having your best spiritual year by understanding the high price Jesus paid for your redemption. Follow that with a choice to splurge on personal purpose, right thinking, marriage, and parenting. Thanks for joining us as we investigate costly aspects of life that are worth the expenditure.
At A Cost

Does God have an image problem? Some passages in Scripture paint God to be a sexist, racist, angry, and violent deity. How should we respond to friends who point out these supposed discrepancies? Should these pieces of Scripture be avoided…even discarded? Or is there something to learn from these ancient texts that point to a God who functions on purpose and always out of love for his creation? Pursue having the best spiritual year of your life by deepening your understanding, love, and worship of the God of the Bible.
God…A Moral Monster?
What if kindness was the dominant characteristic of your interactions with others? What if kindness was the dominant characteristic of your family? What if kindness was the dominant characteristic of those with whom you disagree? Pursue having the best spiritual year of your life by allowing kindness to flow through your thoughts, words, and actions. Join ValleyPoint Church throughout the month of February as we search the Scriptures and embark on a kindness challenge.
Be Kind, Please
Happy New Year! It’s time for a fresh start, new beginnings, and hope-filled adventures. What if this new year happened to be the best year of your life? Sounds great, doesn’t it? Is it possible though? If you want to have the best year of your life, pursue having the best spiritual year of your life first.
As we step into the unknown space of 2018, chase having the best year of your spiritual life by choosing a verse (or two) to anchor your soul. Life Verse 2018 is here! It’s a tradition unique to ValleyPoint where we start the new year focused on finding words from God that can challenge, encourage, and sustain.
Life Verse 2018
Grand Opening Sunday
Thanks for joining us as Executive Pastor, Gus Sareyka welcomed in the New Year at ValleyPoint!
New Year’s Eve at ValleyPoint
Be our guest! Thank you for joining us this December as we opened the doors to our new home, and hosted gatherings for the very first time. After years of planning, praying, and preparing, the moment has arrived. What better time to celebrate such a momentous occasion than Christmas?
Be Our Guest
Before we turn the page into a new chapter of our story, we will look back on past teaching series that have impacted and guided us. We will have a lot of fun as we walk through our current teaching series, “Best Of.”
Best Of
How does a history-altering event that began 500 years ago continue to dynamically shape faith today? Join ValleyPoint Church and see how God used relevant, beautiful and joy-giving truth to carry the gospel onward from generation to generation.
Nailed It!
The word “blah” implies something that is boring or without meaningful content. Is it possible for faith in Jesus to fit that description? Is it? Jesus said many things that paint a different picture of our faith life that seems much better. He actually said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” He even went so far as to say, “anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works.” That’s quite a statement!